First day of First Grade

I can’t believe my baby is in First Grade. School started at 9, so we left at 8:45. Here he is zipping up his jacket. Yeah, it was cool this morning.

Ready to go. Doesn’t seem to have a smile for me this morning.

The school is about 700 yards from our house. We got there in plenty of time. Oh, now he has a smile.

Finding his seat. He has a great seat directly across from the chalkboard. Some kids are facing the middle of the room, but Reino got lucky.

My serious student. He didn’t mind at all when it was time for me to leave.

5 thoughts on “First day of First Grade

  1. Leslie

    He’s so cute! It’s so hard to believe he’s in 1st grade now!

    Hope he had a great day & loves his class!

  2. Karen Post author

    The kids take their shoes off when they are inside. When it’s colder he will wear sandals or slippers. Most adults take their street shoes off and wear sandals at work, too.

  3. Uncle Roger

    Reino,I’m so proud of you.I can’t believe little man is finally in school.Next it will be girls and cars,so just hold for the ride Mom it’s just getting started.I will keep you in my prayers.LOL!!!!


    This is the end of an era for me, also. This is my “baby grandchild” in first grade. I can only say “It has been quite a ride” and I am so proud of Reino l I just KNOW he will be the one to be President.

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